IT issues
IT issues
BigData in use
When we talk about big data, we mean very large amounts of data. We generate them through many daily routine activities, by using apps or by visiting websites. This large amount of data cannot be processed by a single person or a classic analysis tool.
Private companies, public administrations, social networks and research institutes are implementing big data projects to automate the collection and processing of large amounts of data.
The main features of BigData:
- Volume – large volume
- Velocity – Processing speed
- Variety – Variety of formats and data types
- Veracity – Reliability and Accuracy
- Value – Value for decision-making processes

BigData in use
When we talk about big data, we mean very large amounts of data. We generate them through many daily routine activities, by using apps or by visiting websites. This large amount of data cannot be processed by a single person or a classic analysis tool.
Private companies, public administrations, social networks, mobile applications and research institutes are implementing big data projects to automate the collection and processing of large amounts of data.

The main features of BigData:
- Volume – large volume
- Velocity – Processing speed
- Variety – Variety of formats and data types
- Veracity – Reliability and Accuracy
- Value – Value for decision-making processes
Batch analysis
Includes performing computations with large amounts of data according to a predetermined schedule.
Examples of such calculations:
- Calculation of production indicators (OEE, CPK, MTTF…) after each change
- Identification of trends and statistical data flows of variables
- Estimation of machine health on the basis of the last working day
- Updating the neural network (Instructions)
- Export/Import of data from the external system
- Preparation of data for the BI report

In the context of NAZCA 4. 0, these tasks can be solved with the following tools:

Spark – by preparing a task for this system

NiFi – Use of additional processors prepared by APA

You can create your own Python functions and use the included SDK
In the context of NAZCA 4.0, these tasks can be solved with the following tools:

Spark – by preparing a task for this system

NiFi – Use of additional processors prepared by APA

You can create your own Python functions and use the included SDK
Stream analysis
Batch analysis involves performing calculations with data that are continuously transmitted. These are e.g. data streams containing the current measured values transmitted by the measuring devices.

Examples of applications of streaming analysis:
In the context of NAZCA 4.0, these tasks can be solved with the following tools:

Flink – by preparing a task for this system

NiFi – Use of additional processors prepared by APA
AI issues
Advantages of BIG DATA
Modularity, containerization
A solution that grows with your business or your requirements, the ability to add more machines, prototyping and deployment with a single system.
Data access security, data storage (redundancy).
Discussion of the possibilities of communication with the world.
Modularity, containerization
Overview of containerization and what there is, the ability to work on-premis, cloud, hybrid. Cloud agnostic.
Modularity, containerization
A solution that grows with your business or your requirements, the ability to add more machines, prototyping and deployment with a single system.
Data access security, data storage (redundancy).
Discussion of the possibilities of communication with the world.
Modularity, containerization
Overview of containerization and what there is, the ability to work on-premis, cloud, hybrid. Cloud agnostic.

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Edge computing in NAZCA 4.0

Integration of existing infrastructures
In most cases, it is possible to obtain data from the existing infrastructure without the need to expand the measuring systems or change the control system. Machines, robots or PLCs allow access to diagnostic data or control parameters via correspondingly configured communication protocols (OPC, Modbus, MQTT).
Without highlighting the potential of Industry 4.0, machines are a series of disconnected components that act as information silos ( at the same time limit the proper management of machinery, logistics, sales and production planning).

See your data in action!
Leave your e-mail. We will contact you and show you NAZCA 4.0 in action.
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Can’t visit us? No worries! Get in touch and we’ll provide you with support proposals – two implementation paths (pilot or personalized project), grant access to application demos, provide remote access to test units or data streams.
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