Prediction of energy consumption in the Industry 4.0 platform – Solutions overview

Authors: Sebastian Temich, Artur Pollak, Jacek Kucharczyk, Wojciech Ptasiński, Arkadiusz Mężyk, Damian Gąsiorek JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL AND APPLIED MECHANICS For a long time, scientific and technical work has focused on production management, which affects both the correctness of the process and the costs generated. An integral part of the management of the production process is […]
A Framework of Action for Implementation of Industry 4.0. an Empirically Based Research

Authors: Artur Pollak, Agata Hilarowicz, Maciej Walczak, Damian Gąsiorek Molecular Diversity Preservation International – Sustainability The article focuses on the introduction of Industry 4.0 in companies, the difficulties involved, and the limitations and challenges faced by the management of this process. The strength of the study lies in its empirical nature. The participants were 39 […]
Prediction of Belt Drive Faults in Case of Predictive Maintenance in Industry 4.0 Platform

Authors: Artur Pollak, Sebastian Temich, Wojciech Ptasiński, Jacek Kucharczyk, Damian Gąsiorek Molecular Diversity Preservation International – Applied Sciences The cost of continuous maintenance of production is one of the highest operating costs of production companies. Continuous diagnostics with anomaly analysis is a decisive factor in estimating the remaining service life of a component and thus […]
Effects of storage condition on the maintenance of production processes

Authors: Wojciech Ptasiński, Artur Pollak, Sebastian Temich, Damian Gąsiorek Napędy i Sterowanie, Today’s aspects of Industry 4.0 are focused on analyzing data, which is therefore crucial for maintaining the continuity of production processes. The aim of the study was to determine the classification of anomalies for bearing damage using neural networks. In this […]